To submit an electronic TFN declaration as an employee:
Log in to your portal
Go to Profile > Tax & Super.
Click ‘Start New TFN Declaration’.
Enter your personal details on the Confirm Personal Information page of the declaration. You will need to provide:
Family Name
First Given Name
Date of Birth
Home Address information
Employment basis
Enter your TFN in the Tax File Number field or leave this blank if no TFN has been provided.
Select your residency status in the ‘Are you?’ section.
Click Next to move to the Required Information page. The system will validate the data to confirm that all mandatory information has been entered.
Enter the employee’s tax information by selecting Yes or No for the list of questions. This will be used to allocate the correct tax table to the employee.
If no TFN was entered on the previous page, you will need to answer an additional question to confirm why.
Click Next to continue to the submission page.
Enter your full name in the field provided and tick the checkbox underneath, to authorise the submission.
Click Submit.
The submitted TFN declaration will appear in the History section of your Tax & Super screen, with the date, time and user details.
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