Access the Timesheets feature via the navigation menu. Click on the menu bar at the top left > then select Timesheets from the navigation menu
Find the relevant timesheet you wish to complete & tap to open the timesheet weekly view:
If you didn't work any hours for that week, for the question ‘Did you work during this period of time’, toggle the answer to No & tap ‘Submit for approval’ button:
If you did work hours that week, leave the ‘Did you work during this period of time’ toggled to Yes:
Click on the day you wish to enter hours for:
Enter the start & end time and your break times:
If you wish you can copy the entered hours and break times to all weekdays (it won’t copy to weekends by default). Once you are happy with the hours set for that day, click Save.
If you wish, you can add comments to your approver for that week’s timesheets:
If you sustained a reportable workplace injury, please change the toggle to Yes. This will ensure our Safety@hudson are notified & can reach out to support you:
Once you have updated the timesheet, you can Save what you have entered.
Please note you can only submit your timesheet once, so don’t submit it until you have entered all days for that week.
Once you have entered the all hours for the week & are ready to send for approval, tap Submit for approval.
If you have a secondary approver set up to approve timesheets, you will be able to select which approver you wish to send the initial approval to. If your primary approver is away, you can choose to send the first approval direct to your secondary approver.
Please note: If you can’t see the Timesheets feature & believe you should be completing a timesheet in the flexhive app, please reach out to or access Live Chat via our Help Centre & we can work through this with you.
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