If you are checking in and out of your shifts via the app, you may see an error if you are either not sharing your location OR you are trying to check in when you are more than 100m from your worksite.
Too far from worksite
If you are more than 100m from your worksite, you won't be able to check-in.
You will need to wait till you are within 100m of your worksite & then try again.
At your worksite and you still get this error?
> All New South Wales Electoral Commission Temps:
Please see your flexhive by Hudson representative onsite and they can assist in checking you in
> All other Temps:
Reach out to flexhivesupport@hudson.com and one of our representatives will be able to assist
Your device does not allow access to the device's location
If you see the below message, this means you are not currently sharing your precise location with the flexhive by Hudson app.
You must share your location on your device in order to be able to check in and out successfully.
Please follow the sharing your location guide steps found here to share your location
At your worksite and you still get this error?
All New South Wales Electoral Commission Temps:
Please see your flexhive by Hudson representative onsite and they can assist in checking you in
All other Temps:
Reach out to flexhivesupport@hudson.com and one of our representatives will be able to assist
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